Eucharistic Ministers

If you are interested in joining our Eucharistic Ministers group please contact the Parish Office


Ministers of the Word

If you are interested in joining our Minister of the Word group please contact the Parish Office


Baptism Group

We are always looking for new members, if you are interested in taking part please contact the Parish Office.


Church Care Ministry

If you are available to assist with the general upkeep of the Church please contact Sr Patricia in the Parish Office.


Children’s Ministry

We are always looking for new members, if you are interested in taking part please contact the Parish Office.


Parish Pastoral Council

For more information please contact the Parish Office.


Young at Heart

Social groups for everyone over 50 years old, weekly meetings with dinner and bingo every Friday. Please contact the Parish Office for more details.


Christian Mothers Group

Mothers gathering together to pray and chat. Please contact the Parish Office for more details.


St Vincent De Paul Conference

St Peter’s Little Bray

Emergency Contact: 01-8550022